

Best Answer

1. Fly with me

2. Out of this world

3. Tonight

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Q: Which are the three best songs of the Jonas brothers?
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Which three songs are your best from the Jonas Brothers?

My 3 favourite Jonas Brothers songs are (not in order, I like them all the same): 1) S.O.S. 2) Before The Storm 3) Turn Right

How would you describe the music that the Jonas Brothers play?

Well according to me the Jonas Brothers songs are the best. They are a pop rock band formed by Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas. The songs are like your dream come true. THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD ! JONAS BROTHERS ROCK !

What is Jonas Brother's favorite song?

I Think That aLL Jonas brothers songs are The Best! Mine are "Eternity" and "I am what I am".

What is your favorite Jonas Brothers song?

my favorite Jonas brothers song has to be pushing me away. i love the beat the lyrics and joe and nicks voice. i am in love with them. me and joe are destiny. i just know it. by melanie c.

How long does Jordan Sparks perform at Jonas Brothers concerts?

I went to a Jonas Brothers concert last night ( it was the best night of my life !) and Jordan Sparks performs a few songs and then the Jonas Brothers come on and after about 1 hour she comes back on and performs one song then leaves

What is nick jonas' favorite three songs?

SOS, Lovebug and Goodnight and Goodbye are the songs that he thinks are the best they have written so far

Who is the best out of the Jonas brothers?

== ==

What are the best love songs?

well there is never really any competition in love songs but there are some good ones sthat are true life storys by westlife and the Jonas brothers

What does demi know about the Jonas Brothers?

yes, she does, in fact she one of the Jonas brothers best friend

Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour?

The best of both worlds concert tour was in 2008 featuring the Jonas brothers. Singing the songs from Hannah Montana the soundtrack.

Jonas Brothers second CD?

The Jonas Brothers second CD is self-titles and includes songs such as Year 3000, When You Look Me In The Eyes, Hold On, etc. It was a best seller in it's time. I personally think the CD is amazing;;just like them<33

Who is the best musician in the Jonas Brothers?
