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huntail has more attack and gorebyss has more defense

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Q: Which Pokemon is better huntail or goreybass in Pokemon ruby?
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Where do you find huntail in Pokemon ruby?

You have to evolve a boy clamperl, migrate, OR trade from FireRed or LeafGreen.

What is better deep sea tooth or deep sea scale in Pokemon ruby?

When you trade Clamperl with the deep sea scale you get Gorebyss with the deep sea tooth you get Huntail.

What level does huntail evolve on ruby?

you can't evolve huntail once it's a huntail to get gorebyss, trade a clampearl holding a deepseascale

How do you evolve Clamperl in Pokemon Ruby?

To evolve it, you have to give it a Deep Sea Tooth (Huntail) or a Deep Sea Scale (Gorebyss) and trade it.

How do you get hauntail in Pokemon?

In Pokemon emerald, ruby or sapphire: Get a Camperl and a Deepseatooth, equip it to Camperl, and trade it. It will instantly evolve into Huntail. Be careful, if you've already chosen the Deepseascale, you cannot get a Deepseatooth.

Can you catch huntail in Pokemon Ruby?

No, you cannot catch it in the wild. You must trade a Clampearl holding a Deep Sea Tooth to another person, then trade it back.

You love Pokemon but you can not decide what Pokemon game should you play Pokemon FireRed or Pokemon Ruby?

Pokemon ruby is better. i have both the games and ruby is the better out of the two so you should play ruby. Pokemon fire red is good but ruby wins my vote i think that Pokemon fire red is better personally so i would go with fire red but its ur decision Neither go old school and get Pokemon blue,yellow, or red

What is better Pokemon ruby or shapphire?


In Pokemon ruby which fossil is better?

The Claw fossil

How do you catch huntail and gorebyss in Pokemon ruby?

You will not be able to catch a wild Huntail in Pokémon White 2 however you will be able to find a wild Clamperl in Route 4. Once you've found Clamperl, you can attach the DeepSeaTooth item to it and then trade it to another player's game and it will evolve into Huntail.

Which Pokemon game is better emerald or ruby?

Emerald by far

How does clamperl evolve into huntail in Pokemon pearl?

you need ruby for the easy way you get the meteorite then go to the abandoned ship talk to the captain then he gives you the item =) hope i helped sorry i forgot the items name.