You receive exp share from the president of the Devon corp after delivering the letter to steven, or you can win one from the lottery at lilycove city it is second prize.
in Pokemon emerald, Sapphire, and ruby, you can catch a seedot right after you leave oldale town. then give it an exp. share. go beat the elite four a couple of times then it will evolve into a nuzleaf. Then go to mosdeep city and dive for a while and you will find a green shard take it to the island with the house on it and get a leaf stone. give it to your nuzleaf and PRESTO! You now have a shiftry. Shiftry will helf you beat the elite four champion in emerald. But not in Sapphire and ruby. HOPE THIS HELPS! You can catch in ruby and emerald as a nuzleaf.
You first need a yellow shard these can be found using Dive near the Hunter's house, Second give the yellow shard to the hunter he will trade you a thunder stone for the shard. Another way to get a thunder stone is by trading a Pokemon from firered or leafgreen that is holding one to ruby, sapphire or emerald.
Unfortunatley it is like emerald no you will not gain exp by battling in the battle frontier however you can get rare items and berries
She doesn't. The President in Rustboro City gives it to you.
1. You can find one Route 127 (The one under Mossdeep City.). If you follow the path straight south from Mossdeep until you are able to turn right, do so and go around the Fisherman that stand by the water's edge to find a long strip of dark water. Dive here and find a lone rock . Press A on the rock to get the shard. 2. You can steal (Use Thief and Covet) a Red Shard from a wild Corsola. 5% chance of successfully getting a Red Shard.
find it using dive
You don't need a Red Shard for Dive.
In diamond and pearl it is 35. an it is an EXP SHARE not and esp shard.
you can find it on route 124 I've had a vulpix and to make it evolve i had find the red shard and i had to give it to hunter in mossdep city to get the fire stone
you can only get it by buying it at lilicove or change it for a blue shard
find a blue shard using Dive, and trade it to the guy by Mossdeep, or catch some clampearl, they hold blueshards too.
to get a red shard in emerald, you have to go to route 124. Hope this helped You have to dive underwater using hm dive and find them hidden in pale couloured stones, such as those you see in caves
If you mean the Thunder stone, you go to the New Mauville Power Plant.
Red shards can be found all over underwater areas
Exchange Blue Shard with the Waterstone. You'll find waterstone in Abandoned Ship, too.
go at the near of lilycove city (sea) use dive and you will find another hole and use dive.but you can find it in underwater