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There is no apricot that can be used to make the ultra ball.

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Q: Where to find the apricot that turns into the ultra ball?
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The Ultra Ball can be bought in the Pokemart later on in the game, or you find it in a variety of areas.

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First you find it and then throw a poke ball at it. (Preferably an ultra ball).

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Cresslia is hard to find u have to chase it down in the wild but when u get its HP down to red try using hypnosis or something that puts it to sleep but not yawn because that takes two turns and it will run away before yawn goes into effect and then try catching it with an ultra ball. p.s. u can also try a quick ball.

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Use A Master Ball Or Ultra Ball To Catch. But I Think It is Hard To Find Master Ball...:/

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find it and keep throwing ultra balls or just throw a master ball

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find one fight it and use an ultra ball or don't fight it and use a master ball

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No, you do not need a master ball, if you get it to a low enough hp, you can catch it with an ultra ball. You can find mew in the end of the cave in cerulean.