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find a way to clestick town and get surf then go to hearthome city

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Q: Where to find the 5 bage in Pokemon perl vrsion?
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How Pokemon speciel Pikachu edition on Pokemon perl?

You can't. Pokemon special pikachu edition is not part of Pok'emon Pearl.

How do you get gianina in Pokemon perl?

if your talking about giratina you go to vielstone city and go down through spring path and soon you'll find a cave..make sure you have a Pokemon with the move defog. and lots of max repels.

How do you get your National Dex?

not so easy for Pokemon dimond,perl and platimun complet your normal sinnoh pokedex

Where do you battle a trainer that has swodowodo in Pokemon platinum?

I think you have to fight a trainer with bonsly and keep using the VS seeker until you see a sudowudo OR you can get pkmn Colosseum, a TV, a Gamecube, a GBA link cable, a GBA, another Nintendo DS, and a Pokemon Dimond and Perl , snag a swodowodo in Colosseum and purify it, trade swodowodo to a GBA Pokemon game, see all Pokemon in diamond and Perl, import swodowodo to Perl or Daimond, and then trade it to Platnum. its not worth it unless you have all those things in the first place

What Pokemon do you put in the daycare center to make a female bagon lay an egg in Pokemon perl?

you can freed a female bagon with a male one or you can get a ditto from a different game or the gts

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in route 201

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you use a old rod anywhere

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after you defeat the Rapardos @ Perl cave

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You need to get an item from an event.

What rare Pokemon can you find in pokeomn perl?

uxie azelf mesprit and palkia

How do you catch a bagon in Pokemon Diamond?

get nationaldex go to the route by were the psyduck were (ahead) and usepokeradar and find one no you can only find bagons in Pokemon perl version

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Can you get Houndoom in Pokemon Diamond?

no you can only get it in perl

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You can't.

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