Go to http://www.eBay.com or http://www.amazon.co.uk There are several in stock.
either you hack it or you unlock all of the areas and find every single Pokemon
He gives you a poke radar to help you find or avoid pokemon. hope this helped!
You have to find and catch most of them by going through caves, grass whereever, evolving pokemon and trading for them
you should watch every episode of Pokemon to find it.
they sell booster back in the store in Celadon city in pokemon fire red. to make it easier to find to to Celadon city where u can see the big building that have different stage/level..in there go to stage 5 and u can see two man together and talk to one of them to get those booster!! HOPE i help and u cant find it any where but in celadon city!!
Buy every game and find out.
either you hack it or you unlock all of the areas and find every single Pokemon
open it
You can find it in any Pokemon Center and that's for every single Pokemon game (That I have)
you can go on www.pokemon.marriland.com/diamond_pearl/pokedex
Umm in every single water he is very common
you find it in booster packs or tins you may not be lucky for the booster packs though
Moved to related links below.
Well on Pokemoncrater there are dark pokemon that you can find while walking around. When you make a file on the web, if you have the time, you can wait until you find all the pokemon in dark version.
You can't find every single Pokemon from the Shino dex in Platinum. You might have to get either Diamond or Pearl then trade it over. That's what I did to get Murkow.
You can find every Pokemon put on a Pokemon game You can find every Pokemon put on a Pokemon game
He gives you a poke radar to help you find or avoid pokemon. hope this helped!