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beat the elite 4 of johto and when u go 2 kanto new places pop up in ur pokewalker(hoenn field+sinnoh field)u might catch 1 there


You can also catch one through the Viridian or Ilex Forest by Headbutting the trees.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Routes 204 & 212, Eterna Forest, Safari Game Breed Roselia/Roserade with Rose Incense Attached

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βˆ™ 15y ago

On the route north of it Budew only appear during the day.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

in the ilex forest after you get the national pokedex

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Try the route above Jubilife City.

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Q: Where to find a budew in pokemon diamond?
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What does budew evolve into on pokemon diamond?


Where are the budew in Pokemon diamond?

there are some on the path to floaroma town.

Where is budew in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Budew isn't avalible in FireRed and LeafGreen. It is a fourth generation Pokemon so it can only be found in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.

Where to find budew using Pokemon music in Pokemon heartgold?

Budew can be found in Ilex Forest and Viridian Forest.

What does budew evolve into on pearl?

it evolves into Roselia same thing on Pokemon diamond

How do you get a Budew in Pokemon Sapphire?

That i know of, you can't. It is a sinnoh Pokemon therefore you can only have it on pearl and diamond. Sorry.

What is the best pokemon team in pokemon diomond?

The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos

What is a good grass Pokemon in diamond?

Roserade. But it takes patience to train it from a Budew at the beginning of a game

Where do you get a roseraid in Pokemon Diamond?

You can get a Roserade in Pokemon Diamond by evolving Roselia using a Shiny Stone. You can catch Roselia on routes 212, 221, 224, 225, or 229; or get it by evolving a Budew (through friendship), you can get Budew on routes 204 or 212, or Eterna Forest.

What type of Pokemon is Budew?

Pokemon usually say what their name is. For example Pikachu says Pikachu when it talks, Budew says Budew.

Where to catch grass pokemon in diamond?

You should find Budew very easily it's at the beginning you just have to go straight through Jubilife city and into the grass beyond

Is chimchar Palkia budew mothim Froslass gallade a good team on Pokemon diamond?

No, because it has two weak pokemon. You should get a Rapidash.