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Leopard's elbow, getting nails clipping.

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Ekkarin Patcharoen

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6mo ago
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Q: Where is the key in where's wally safari?
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he's in the upper right corner just below the brazillian flag. have fun!

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there is a top gear annual 2009 and 2010 theres also a top gear magazine out every month and there is a wheres stig book as a copy of he classic wheres wally. there is now a childrens magazine as well

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its a personal opinion, but i say red

How do you get surf HM?

go to petalburg and defeat the 5th gym leader. go to Wally's house - beside the gym and talk with Wally's uncle. or if you are talking about firered, you have to go to the safari zone. at the end of the safari zone, you will encounter a special house that looks similar to the one when you first walk in the safari zone, when you go in ,there is a man there, talk to him and he will give you HM surf

Where is woof in Where is wally safari park?

In the "Where's Wally? Safari Park" book, Woof can be found hiding in various locations on each page. Keep a close eye on the illustrations, as Woof is often wearing a safari hat or blending in with the other animals in the park. Happy searching!

Wheres the sea dragon path key on monkey quest?

the answer is buy the tibe pack or guest pass