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There's only one fishing rod available in the whole game and you receive it after you beat the game. Once you become the champion you can go to Professor Juniper's Lab in Nuvema Town and Cedric will give it to you.

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Q: Where is the fishing rod in black 2?
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Where do you get a fishing rod in black?

After finishing the main storyline, Looker gives you the Super Rod in your house.

Who is rocket rod?

A Rocket Rod is just a fishing rod but only shoots faster.

Where can you find a fishing rod in Pokemon black?

The rod is not available until after the elite four.

How can you get a dragonnite in Pokemon black 2?

Dragonite can be found Outside of the Dragonspiral Tower by Fishing with the Super Rod on Dark Spots. It will be between 55-70. It has a 1% chance of appearing even then, so be prepared for a wait.

How do you find the fishing rod in the black version Pokemon?

When you get the master ball and national dex which is before you battle N. Prof junipers dad gives it to you.

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Where is the fishing rod in Pokemon Black and White?

You get the fishing rod at your home after the elite four.

The blacksmith won't give me the copper fishing rod on harvest moon ds?

Before you can get a copper fishing rod are you sure you have followed this checklist?1. I Own enough copper to give to the black smith for the Copper fishing rod?2. I have enough experience with my fishing rod that it can be upgraded to copper?3. Do I have enough gold to get my fishing rod upgraded?4. Do I own a fishing rod?If those 4 are ALL complete you should be able to get your fishing rod upgraded.

Where do you get the fishing rod in Pokemon black?

go back to your house in nuvema town and talk to your mom

Where do you get a fishing rod in black?

After finishing the main storyline, Looker gives you the Super Rod in your house.

Why cant you buy the gold fishing rod in tree of tranquility?

Before you can get the gold fishing rod you have to get the silver fishing rod and before you get the silver fishing rod you have to get the copper fishing rod. To get the copper fishing rod you upgrade your regular fishing rod at the general store.

Where can you get a Dragonite in Pokemon black?

Dragonspiral Tower, use your fishing rod.

Where do you get a fishing rod in Pokemon Black and White?

You have to complete the whole game, then a guy named Looker will give you a Super Rod.

What does the golden fishing rod do in animal crossing?

The golden fishing rod extends the fishing line 2x farther then a regular fishing rod.

When can you get an upgrade of a fishing pole in harvest moon grand bazaar?

The Medium Fishing Rod will be sold by Felix starting year 2. The Long Fishing Rod will be sold by Felix starting year 4. But only if you already own the Medium Fishing Rod.

What is fishing rod?

A fishing rod or a fishing pole is a tool used to catch fish,

Is there a fishing rod in Pokemon white-black?

After you finish the game for the first time, you'll get a Super Rod. As far as I know you can't get any other rod.

What makes a fly fishing rod different from a regular fishing rod?

There are several differences between a fly fishing rod and a regular fishing rod and the most obvious would be the the way the rod is constructed. Regular fishing rods are usually glued pieces to form the rod whereas the fly fishing rod is usually "glued" together with synthetic materials.