In the goldenrod radio tower there is a random room where a team rocket disguised as a normal person comes up to you and wants to battle you. So you have to kill that the persons Pokemon's then talk to the person you defeated then he will give you a basement key so then you go to the basement and you have to rescue the director
If I remember correctly, once you beat Petrel, he gives you a key to get to the director, who is in the underground. The director will give you the key card.
In the basement under Goldenrod city mart when Team Rockets invade the radio tower.
you battle him
You can get to the Goldenrod City Radio Tower by going to the railroad tracks and turning left.
go to and search "goldenrod city music" or something
In the radio tower
you get the card key for the radio tower in goldenrod by saving the director from the underground basement. Talk to him and he should give it to you.
After beating team rocket at there warehouse and the radio tower at goldenrod city the director of the radio tower in goldenrod city will give the silver wing to you.
He is in the underground path, that goes under Goldenrod City
It isn't found it is given to you by the director of The Goldenrod City Radio Tower director. You have to beat Team Rocket and the director will hand it to you.
The director is hidden in the basement under Goldenrod City. It's not that big so it wont be hard to find the door.
In SoulSilver Version, the Silver Wing lies in the hands of the Director in Goldenrod City.
In Goldenrod city
you have to defeat team rocket in goldenrod city and get the rainbow wing from the director
If I remember correctly, once you beat Petrel, he gives you a key to get to the director, who is in the underground. The director will give you the key card.
Goldenrod City is North of route 34.
He is still in Goldenrod city