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It is in Eurotek city the town with the bell tower hope this helped

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Q: Where is the dance theatre in Pokemon Gold?
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Which city is ercuteak dance theatre in gold version Pokemon?

Ecruteak city

In soul silver which Pokemon dance with you in the dance theatre?

you can take any Pokemon there, they will dance if you talk to them, but not on their own.

Where do you get the rainbow tail?

In Pokemon hear gold, you get it by defeating the first 7 gym leaders, then beating the 5 kimono girls that call you to the dance theatre.

Where are the komono girls in Pokemon HeartGold?

Dance theatre in ecrueakcity heartgold

Where are the kimono girls in Pokemon Heart Gold?

in ecruteak they are in the dance theater.

Can you get to one island tow island ect on Pokemon heart gold?

Go to ecruteak city dance theatre and get surf from the dude with the psyduck and then you can go 'island tow island' p.s. Your spelling is a little funky.

Where is Ecruteak Dance Theater on Pokemon gold?

I believe it's above the Pokemon Center and to the left of the PokeMart

Where to find the kimono girls in Pokemon gold?

In the dance studio in ecrutek city.

When was Cracow Dance Theatre created?

Cracow Dance Theatre was created in 2008.

When was Australian Dance Theatre created?

Australian Dance Theatre was created in 1965.

When was Collage Dance Theatre created?

Collage Dance Theatre was created in 1988.

When was Singapore Dance Theatre created?

Singapore Dance Theatre was created in 1988.