well, depending on the location, there r Pokemon that crush boulders (ex. ryhorn, graveler, golem, etc.)
sometimes, u have to fly somewhere to get a rock crushing Pokemon to crush a rock
run after diffrent Pokemon in diffrent places they have a good lot of Pokemon in there then the Pokemon ranger 1 well good look finding all the Pokemon by Pokemon master 1234567
Sorry, the only avadible Pokemon transfer is from either Pokemon Ranger games to Diamond and Pearl. Pokemon Ranger offers an exclusive Manaphy transfer and Pokemon Ranger 2 offers a Manaphy, Riolu and Darkrai transfer. These transfers can only be triggered after the game on Pokemon Ranger 1/2.
In the Lyra forest dept
speacial manaphy mission on Pokemon ranger 1 or 2
there's more Pokemon, missions, quests, etc. (i lost my Pokemon ranger 1 i gave up looking 4 it) but Pokemon ranger 2 i beat the game! in Pokemon ranger 1 new missions on the ranger net are non wi-fi so you can do it without wi-fi + more ranger net missions including: mew capture, deoxys looping(long but fun;D, celebi saving, manaphy egg saving, i think there's one with regis. (in mew capture, make it run around, get SHEDINJA, catch up with mew, battle it using SHEDINJA's power, then catch mew with loops!) looping is easier in Pokemon ranger 1 than the 2nd!!! And better!!!!!!!!!!
Pokemon ranger 1
In Pokemon ranger 1: do the mission in wintown in the highlands In Pokemon ranger 2: you have to get the yellow gem first
Pokemon ranger 2 is easier because it has a health meter however Pokemon ranger 1 you have to make combos so it is harder but more challenging and fun. But still I would recommend Pokemon ranger 2
ranger2 !! of course!!!
only minun if boy plusle if girl can be your partener in Pokemon ranger 1 .
i don't think gulpin IS in Pokemon ranger 1 0r 2. sorry!
Sorry but you cant, 1 per game
there are 2 players in the ranger 1 you will only need to choose one...
1 is manphay
Absol. You can find it in Panulla Cave.
run after diffrent Pokemon in diffrent places they have a good lot of Pokemon in there then the Pokemon ranger 1 well good look finding all the Pokemon by Pokemon master 1234567