Klaus Nomi's birth name is Klaus Sperber.
No, Klaus Nomi's mother was not with him in the hospital. Klaus Nomi sadly passed away in 1983 due to complications from AIDS. So, unless his mother had a time machine, she definitely wasn't there.
Klaus Nomi has: Performed in "Ex und hopp" in 1972. Played Himself - David Bowie Backup Singer in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Performed in "Beauty Becomes the Beast" in 1979. Performed in "The Long Island Four" in 1980. Played himself in "Bleu, blanc, rose" in 2002. Played himself in "The Nomi Song" in 2004. Performed in "TV Party" in 2005. Played himself in "Arias with a Twist" in 2010.
Klaus' full name is Klaus B. Baudelaire.
Klaus Wille's birth name is Klaus Peter Wille.
Klaus Nomi's birth name is Klaus Sperber.
Klaus Nomi was born on January 24, 1944.
Klaus Nomi was born on January 24, 1944.
Klaus Nomi - album - was created in 1981.
Klaus Nomi died on August 6, 1983 at the age of 39.
Encore - Klaus Nomi album - was created in 1983.
Klaus Nomi died on August 6, 1983 at the age of 39.
Simple Man - Klaus Nomi album - was created in 1982.
The latest album sung by German artist and countertenor Klaus Nomi is "Klaus Nomi". It was released in 1980 and contains 10 tracks in total. He made no other albums.
No, Klaus Nomi's mother was not with him in the hospital. Klaus Nomi sadly passed away in 1983 due to complications from AIDS. So, unless his mother had a time machine, she definitely wasn't there.
Klaus Nomi was born on January 24, 1944 and died on August 6, 1983. Klaus Nomi would have been 39 years old at the time of death or 71 years old today.
Klaus Nomi (Klaus Sperber) one of the first celebrities to die of an illness complicated by AIDS. He died on August 6, 1983 at Sloan Kettering Hospital Center in New York City.