In the National Dex, Carnivine is Pokemon number 455.
You will need to walk at least 6,400 steps to hatch a Carnivine. This can be halved if you have a Pokemon with Flame Body as its ability in your party.
I'm not sure what your going for with that question, but this might help. Medicham evolves from the basic Pokemon Meditate, but that is as far as that evolution line goes. As for Carnivine, it isn't an evolved Pokemon and it doesn't evolve further (At least not in Gen 4 games)
Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond
The Pokemon That Learl the Power Whip on Diamond and Pearl are #108 Lickitung #144 Tangela #455 Carnivine #463 Lickilicky #465 Tangrowth, . Powerwhip . base power: 120 power points: 10 accuracy: 85% catagory: Physical Battle type: Grass .Casey.
Carnivine is a Grass type pokemon.
He is on route 214. He is Pokemon collector Brady. He has carnivine.
skorupi,wooper,quagsire,carnivine etc.. u can check where to find which Pokemon on the upper room by checking the telescope.
if you catch a carnivine it will know it it can be caught at the great marsh
In the National Dex, Carnivine is Pokemon number 455.
there is a male tainer on the upper floor of victory road that has a carnivine, rampardos, and a rapidash. take the first stair case you see on the farthest left. It will be after a trainer with a blissey and golduck.
Carnivine is not in FireRed Version unless you do SuperHack9973. Then you would get level 181 Carnivine that looks like Bulbasaur.
to me no
Medicham is the final form of Meditite, which means it is only the second stage. Meanwhile, Carnivine can not evolve from or into any Pokemon.