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Ambrette Town is located in the south-west of the Kalos region, near Cyllage City. After making your way through the Connecting Cave, using the Ambrette shortcut, and walking along Muraille Coast, you can expect to find yourself in Ambrette Town.

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Q: Where is Ambrette Town in Pokemon Y?
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Where do you get Rock Smash in Pokemon Y?

You can get the TM Rock Smash from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.

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You can get the TM Rock Smash from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.

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Rock Smash is a TM in Pokémon X and Y and can be obtained from a lady near the Poké Center in Ambrette Town.

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In X and Y, The Fossils can be revived in the Fossil Lab in Ambrette Town. !!

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In order to crack boulders in Pokémon X and Y, you first need to obtain the TM94 Rock Smash from a lady that is in front of the Poké Center in Ambrette Town and then teach it to any Pokémon that can learn the move. This Pokémon must be in your Party in order to work, though.

How do you get hm rock smash in pokemon y?

You get it at Ambrette Town in the laboratory. And it's not an HM; it's TM94. Rock Smash went from being an HM to a TM in the 5th generation games (Black/White/Black 2/White 2).

Where do you find the HM for Rock Smash in Pokemon X and Y?

Rock Smash can be obtained by a brown haired girl just outside the aquarium in Ambrette Town. In Pokémon X and Y, Rock Smash counts as a TM so you can learn moves over it but you can still use it to break stones!

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You use TM Rock smash. You get it from a woman next to the aquarium entrance in the fossil town (Ambrette )

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Wild Clawitzer can be found by fishing with a Super Rod at Route 8, Cyllage City and Ambrette Town, but only in the X version.

Where is the Aurorus?

In Pokémon X and Y, you can pick the Sail Fossil in the Glittering Cave and revive it into Amaura at the Fossil Lab in Ambrette Town. You can then evolve Amaura into Aurorus starting at level 39 during night time.

Were can you find an evolution of Auroras in Pokemon y?

I am assuming you mean Amaura, its pre-evolution. Amaura revives from a Sail Fossil, which can be given by a Scientist in Glittering Cave after you defeat Team Flare. Once you receive the Fossil, take it the museum in Ambrette Town and Amaura will revive. Amaura starts out at level 20 and it evolves into Aurorus at level 39 in night time.

What do you do after you have beaten the 6th gym in Pokemon X and Y?

Go to Dendeville Town. This is west of Laverre City.