Raven symone is no longer 20 Raven Symone was born December 10, 1985, she is now 24 years old
No, Raven Symone is not 21
Raven-Symone Christina Pearman
Well it seems like Raven Symone is the fashion diva and she knows how to do her thing. P.S I Raven Symone
Raven-Symone Christina Pearmen
Raven symone is no longer 20 Raven Symone was born December 10, 1985, she is now 24 years old
No, Raven Symone is not 21
Raven-Symone Christina Pearman
Well it seems like Raven Symone is the fashion diva and she knows how to do her thing. P.S I Raven Symone
Raven-Symone was born in 1985
No, Raven Symone does not lip sync.
Raven-Symone Christina Pearmen
yes raven symone had a baby
No raven symone was not in the movie drumline.
Raven Symone mom is Lydia Pearman.
Raven Symone is dating mitchelle musso
people if you are reading this now you will know that Raven Symone is not married or pregant and has never been or thought about it . if you do no belive me you . yourself can post something you can be my guest.