Anna nickerson age 9 who lives in seattle and she loves cheese!!!
She lives where nobody can stalk her stupid
Anna Anisimova is another Paris Hilton. She is an unloyal airheaded dumba** who cheats on men/boy friend(Garrett Hedlund). She is Russian.
Laurel friend is a really nice friend and lives on a farm in Saskatchewan by clavet the town. We go to clavet school togetha.
Shes my best friend, franks mom, I cant believe how famous she is. She lives in Vancouver Canada Shes my best friend, franks mom, I cant believe how famous she is. She lives in Vancouver Canada
Anna nickerson age 9 who lives in seattle and she loves cheese!!!
how can find friend in Polen called Anna Lerner ?
Anna Goodman lives in Pointe Claire.
Anna Riwkin-Brick has written: 'Gerda lives in Norway' 'Marko lives in Yugoslavia'
Your friend lives on Broad Street is the correct form.You would say: Your friend lives in Albany.You would say: Your friend lives at the corner of Broad Street and River Road.
Yes, Anna is Australian. She was born in Melbourne and lives there now.
Anna Kern has written: 'Ordinary women extraordinary lives'
Anna popplewell
Wonder The Lives of Anna and Harlan Hubbard - 2012 was released on: USA: 12 November 2012 (limited)
Yes she does because she hates Anna, Anna lives in Kentucky
Anna did live in Florida, but she now lives with Joshua in Fayetville, Arkansas.
Born in Ukraina