Olivia Hussey is 5' 2".
Olivia Hussey was born on April 17, 1951.
Olivia de Havilland was born on July 1, 1916
Yes, they are both married, although not to each other. He is on his second wife, she on her third husband. They were never married to each other.
Obed Hussey died in 1860.
Olivia Hussey is 5' 2".
Olivia Hussey's birth name is Olivia Osuna.
Olivia Hussey was born on April 17, 1951.
Olivia Hussey was born on April 17, 1951.
No, Olivia Hussey is still alive. She was born on April 17, 1951, and as of now, there are no reports of her death.
No olivia hussey has never been married to leonard whiting she married a jappaness rockstar!:)
yes she is
they didn't want to
She was fifteen.
Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting are married, but they are not married to each other. She is married to David Glen Eisley. It's her third marriage, and neither of the others was Leonard Whiting. Leonard Whiting is married to Lynn Presser. It's his second marriage, and no, obviously his first wasn't to Olivia Hussey. They are still good friends though.
Her current husband's name is David Glen Eisley.