Megan Follows lives in both Los Angeles,CA and Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
austin texas
Roane County
bideford, near megan ford
Formspring was created in 2009.
No, Taylor Lautner does not have a Formspring account as Formspring was closed and taken over by
There is no exact Tagalog translation of formspring.
You have to be 13 to have a Formspring account.
There is a system of verified badges on Formspring.
You can't delete someone elses Formspring, but you can delete yours
Yes, Formspring has allowed us to see your followers recently.
Yes, Formspring has allowed everyone to see their followers.
Yes, if you're 13, please DO NOT get a Formspring account.
If you are talking about your facebook user info, then no, formspring does not reveal it.