Cole and Dylan Sprouse were born on August 4th, 1992 in Arezzo, Italy.
cole and Dylan sprouse are not from a state. they were born in arezzo, tuscany, Italy. currently, they live in windland hills, la, California.
Dylan is 15 minutes older than Cole
when was dylan&cole sprout born when was dylan&cole sprout born when was dylan&cole sprout born
Dylan and Cole Sprout?
Cole and Dylan Sprouse were born on August 4th, 1992 in Arezzo, Italy.
yes. his girl frineds name is Jan.
Cole and Dylan are Whit their father but Cole and Dylan Sprouse should live in Beverly hills in California
Hey, Cole and Dylan Spouse live at Long Beach California!
they live in California or LA
Yep, they live in the Hills.
hell's no but Dylan sprout like's her for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
Dylan and coal sprouce live in woodland hills California near calabasas California
jay Sean is hoter than Dylan sprout