Francis Fry died in 1886.
Jeremy Fry was born in 1924.
Jeremy Fry died in 2005.
Taylor Fry is 5' 4".
Arthur Fry was born in Owatona, Minnesota.
arthur fry's middle name
Arthur Fry was born in 1931 and is still alive (4/10).
Arthur Fry, the co-creator of Post-it notes, passed away on December 27, 2021.
he didn't
Arthur Fry died in August of 2011. He was a professor at the University of Arkansas and was a part of the chemistry department for many years.
Arthur Fry
the post it note
They felt like it.
As of my last update, which is in September 2021, Arthur Fry, the co-inventor of the Post-it Note, is still alive.