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Totodile cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl or encountered through inserting a game cartridge in the second slot. The only way to obtain a Totodile is to trade for one via the GTS or a normal connection, or migrate one through the Pal Park on Route 224.

The only cartridge game which gives you the chance of obtaining a Totodile is Pokemon Emerald. On completion of the Hoenn Pokedex, Professor Birch will reward you with the choice of a Johto starter Pokemon. If you wish to have a Totodile in your Diamond or Pearl version, choosing a Totodile here will give you the chance to have one migrated to that version.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Not a chance. If you have a friend in Johto, trade with him/her.

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14y ago

You can't catch/find Totodile in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You have to trade with someone who has the old game with a Totodile in it.

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What level does totodile evolve in on Pokemon heart gold?

Totodile evolves at level 18 :) So train hard and don't hesitate to rummage through the grass to find a Pokemon battle

Where do you find the Pokemon ente i in Pokemon indigo?

Entei can be found in Nimbasa City in Pokemon Indigo.

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where to find a vulpix on pokemon UNOVARPG

On Pokemon indigo online how do evolve eevee into leafeon and were can you find all the eeveelutions?

Find It In League Champion - Steven on the online Pokemon Indigo

Is totodile on Pokemon FireRed?

no totodile is not obtainable is firered, but it is on emerald

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Totodile evolves at level 18 :) So train hard and don't hesitate to rummage through the grass to find a Pokemon battle

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Entei can be found in Nimbasa City in Pokemon Indigo.

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Totodile is a Water type pokemon.

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You Can Get Totodile By Trading It From Pokemon Emerald Or Pokemon HeartGold Or Pokemon SoulSilver.

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Yes, there is every Pokemon on Indigo. The easiest way to find Pokemon is to go to the ROOMS.

Where to find garatina on Pokemon indigo?

I doubt you will find Giratina on Pokemon indigo as it is not a generation 1 Pokemon (it isn't one of the first 151 Pokemon species)

Where do yo find totodile on Pokemon leaf green?

You cant. You cant.