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Ultra rod is not available in Leaf Green. The super rod is the best rod in the game.

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14y ago

There is no "ultra rod". Only old, super, & good.

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Q: Where do you find the ultra rod in Pokemon FireRed?
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Can you get grimer with the old rod in Pokemon FireRed?

No you find it in Pokemon mansion.

How do you get an ultra rod in Pokemon LeafGreen?


How shelder can be caught in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes by good rod or super rod

Where can you get horsea in Pokemon firerEd?

Use a good rod where you can find horsea use your pokedex if you seen one already.

Were can you find a horsea in Pokemon FireRed?

Simple find a good rod from a fishing guru and go to the shore of island 6 and use it until you get horsea. -PokemonAnswerMaster-

Related questions

How do you get a ultra rod in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no ultra rod only old rod. good rod, and super rod

Can you get grimer with the old rod in Pokemon FireRed?

No you find it in Pokemon mansion.

Where do you find the old rod in Pokemon firered?

It is at vermilion city.

Where do you find staryu on pokemon firered?

Super Rod in "Canalave City"

How do you get an ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow?

there is no ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow. the rods that you may obtain are old rod, good rod and super rod.

Where is the ultra rod in Pokemon diamond?

no such thing as an 'ultra rod.' there is a such thing as a 'super rod' though.

How do you find krabby in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find Krabby in Route 12 and Route 13by using the Super Rod or Good rod.

How do you find danti in Pokemon FireRed safari?

you mean a dratini? you have to use a rod in the water

Where can you find shellder in Pokemon FireRed?

Pallette Town with the Super Rod. (Yes, you need the Super Rod in Fire Red.)

Where do you get an ultra rod in Pokemon FireRed?

You mean super rod? It iss given to you by a fisherman in a house on the bridge in beteween lavender and fushia. SOrry but you are wrong. To get the ultra rod, you must talk 100 times to the younger fishing guru (the one that gave you the super rod). With the ultra rod you can even catch items such as tm's. Don't forget to bring him his gigantic magikarp ;) :P .

How do you get an ultra rod on Pokemon emerald?

there's no ultra rod there's only a old rod,good rod, & super rod..veronica

How do you get an ultra rod in Pokemon LeafGreen?
