To get an Alakazam in Pokemon FireRed you need to trade a Kadabra with another player. Though you will need to trade again to have the newly evolved Alakazam back.
Yes, if you are an expert hacker. You might need to plug it into the computer somehow if you want to.
you have beaten the game and that's it.
Pokemon 1-150 national dex 1-386
The three starsTo get the three stars you need to. Beat the elite fourCatch all 150 Pokemon (bulbasaur-mewtwo)Catch all 386 Pokemon (bulbasaur-rayquaza)
To get an Alakazam in Pokemon FireRed you need to trade a Kadabra with another player. Though you will need to trade again to have the newly evolved Alakazam back.
All 386, but in the earlier versions, Vlobeat/Illumise, the other starters and the Whismur family are missing.
Pokemon 386 completeYou get a diploma from a gamefreak guy located in Celadon City.
It is a custom rom where you can catch pokemon from gen 1 to gen 3 in one game.
Yes, if you are an expert hacker. You might need to plug it into the computer somehow if you want to.
you have beaten the game and that's it.
On the real fire red that is impossible, as garchomp only exists in pearl, diamond, platinum, heartgold, and soulsilver. Firered only goes up to #386 Deoxys
In Pokémon Fire Red, catch all 386 Pokémon to get the diploma. On Island 1, fix the network machine by bringing ruby and sapphire to the machine. This will unlock ruby and sapphire trading.
386 Pokemon.
After the receiving the national dex there is 386 Pokémon. However, there is much less than this available to own in leafgreen. You'll need FireRed, Ruby and Sapphire versions to get all 386.
There are actually 386, via from trading or action replay codes... you may get all of them. I recomed page 12 neer the top it has bulbasaur-groudon