What is Dragonball Z Fusion Reborn?
This is the 12th dbz movie
* In the other world, Goku and Pikkon were fighting to decide
who's the champion. Meanwhile in other part of the Other World,
King Jennma had a problem with a purification machine, which turns
a little worker into a giant and fat monster called Janemba. Goku
and Pikkon went there, Goku was the first to fight the evil
Janemba. But Janemba's power makes Goku to transform into a Super
Saiyan 3. Even Goku(transformed into a Super Saiyan 3) couldn't
defeat Janemba(which transforms into his Final Form). Goku was
going to die when Vegeta comes to the rescue. Goku told to Vegeta,
that the only form to defeat Janemba is to fuse. Vegeta didn't want
to fuse with a "Low Class Saiyan". But Janemba's Power shows him
that fusion is the only form. Meanwhile in the Earth, all the
enemies reborn to attack Earth(enemies like Frieza,and his
soldiers)But Gohan(Great Saiyaman)defeat Frieza with just a punch.
Hitler attacked the City but Goten and Trunks were trying to stop
him. Meanwhile in the other World, Goku was trying to explain
Vegeta the Fusion Dance, Vegeta trought it was silly. When he tried
to do the Fusion, Vegeta instead to extend his finger, he extend
his hand to form Veku, Veku is fat without any power. Janemba was
going to destroy Janemba when the Fusion get over. the escaped to
do the Fusion Dance again but Janemba stopped it. Pikkon arrived
and he tried to stop Janemba for Goku to make the Fusion Dance. The
Fusion Dance works and Gogeta was form. Meandwhile in the Earth
Goten and Trunks feel the ki of his fathers and they did the same
to form Gotenks. Gogeta with just one attack(Stardust
Breaker)destroy Janemba forever.