Fred MacDowell's birth name is John Fred MacDowell.
Fred Shellac's birth name is Fred Henry Schellack.
Fred Korematsu's birth name is Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu.
Fred Carlton Ryle's birth name is Fred Carter Ryle.
Fred Naumetz's birth name is Naumetz, Frederick.
It depends on who Fred is!What ethnic background does Fred come from? Where does he live? When does he live there? All of these things influence what name Fred might have.Here's a link to show you how authors come up with names for their characters.
His first name is Fred
Fred Kraus's birth name is Fred Krausenecker.
Fred Ladd's birth name is Fred Laderman.
Fred Killian's birth name is Fred Kilian.
Fred Asparagus's birth name is Reveles, Fred.
Fred Griffith's birth name is Fred Merrill Griffith.
Fred Come to Bed was created on 1995-03-01.
Fred MacDowell's birth name is John Fred MacDowell.
Fred Saberhagen's birth name is Fred Thomas Saberhagen.