Basically all that he says is that he has had reports of a man and a dragon type Pokemon in another region (N and either reshiram or zekrom).
Looker tells you that the last time N was spotted was riding on reshiram/zekrom.
After he leaves from N's Castle you don't see him again, but Looker does briefly mention him as you round up the Sages later.
Sorry but no. Maybe they will have a fight with N in Pokemon BLACK WHITE 2
at N's castle or dragonspiral tower
After you beat the Elite Four, N, and Ghetis, Looker will be in your house.
a dinosuar
Looker says good work and there's been a sighting of an N-ish person in a nearby city that he's gonna check out
You can find Looker after defeating Ghetesis and N in N's Castle. You can access N's Castle after beating the Elite Four. N will say farewell, and the credits will go by, but note that you should not turn off the power, as, you will be sent back to where you last saved. Anyways, he will be disquised as your Mom, in Nuvema Town, when you go downstairs. Looker will also give you the Super Rod.
To get the super rod you have to beat N and Looker will give it to you when he asks you to find the 7 sages.
He is a investigator that you see after you beat the game he will tell you to track down 7 of N's goons but i don't know the location of them.
You can't... u have to transfer it from the other versions, that is not Pokemon White. if u do transfer it u have to have national dex. Looker upgrades it once u defeat N and that other person.
After you have Looker arrest the last sage out of the Seven Sages, He should thank you and he should also tell about a boy who sounds exactly like N, who has been seen with a dragon pokemon somewhere far away... ^_^
Basically all that he says is that he has had reports of a man and a dragon type Pokemon in another region (N and either reshiram or zekrom).
after defeating ghetis and n in n's castle (finish the main story) and going downstairs in your house, to find two moms bt one's looker and he gives you te fishing rod
Looker tells you that the last time N was spotted was riding on reshiram/zekrom.
He pops up out of no where and tells you news about N then leaves.