

Best Answer

There are many Daily Bible Reading plans available on the internet. Some are :- Our Daily Bread:-

Sword Of The Lord:-

The One Year Bible Online:-

International Bible Society:-

Bible Gateway:- -Chronologically:- -Bible Survey:- -Comphrehensive:-

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Q: Where can you get a daily Bible reading guide?
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You will have to follow your heart on this one. Read the bible, the answer is in there. It is in Commandments. The bible is our guide line. You can only learn from it by reading it.

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When was Asimov's Guide to the Bible created?

Asimov's Guide to the Bible was created in 1981.

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Fred J Power has written: 'Guide to reading the New Testament' -- subject(s): Bible, Introductions

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Daniel Lupton has written: 'The Mystery of Jesus' 'A guide to reading the New Testament' -- subject- s -: Textbooks, Bible

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The Scriptures are important because they help you to grow in your Christian life. Reading the Bible daily will help you spiritually, and it helps us to see what God says. The Bible is a sword and shield.

Where can I find a website that has a yearly bible reading plan on line with a commentary along with it?

Please take a look at In the English side, at the top right corner there is a yearly bible reading. They also have a a daily devocional. I don't know if this is what your are looking for, but just take a look to what they have.

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What has the author Keith Brooks written?

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Homer L. Grice has written: 'The daily vacation Bible school guide' -- subject(s): Accessible book

How many times is Guide used in The Bible?

The word guide is said 23 times throughout the Bible.