In the game Pokemon: Colosseum, the subway key is found on the ground outside the station. After defeating Lady Venus, follow her and walk into one end of the station and out of the other end. Once outside the station the key should be visible on the ground.
To get the card key, go to the 5th floor. From there, go all the way to the left, and fight that weird scientist. He has a level 26 magneton, magnemite, weezing, and koffing. Then you go all the way down and fight the rocket who has a level 33 arbok. Walk past the rocket,(and if you can't, then take the teleporer, and then teleport back) and go all the way to the right to get the Card Key.
You will need to work your way to the basement in the Pokemon Mansion, you will then find the Key.
The tanoby chambers are ruins where a certain Pokemon is lurking to find that Pokemon you must first solve the boulder puzzle in tanoby key once you do that you can find that Pokemon in the chambers.
Go to pallet town and then you use surf in under prof oak house.
there is a key in the Pokemon mansion... you need it to get into the gym... search the Pokemon mansion thoroughly
u use the lift key to access the lift in the team rocket hideout which is located in the game center in celedon open team rocket's hideout push the button behind the lift.hope that helps :-)
You have to battle all those Team Rocket grunts first. The Last One will drop the lift key.
it's in the instruction booklet
You will find the key to the Gym of Cinnabar Island, From the Pokemon Mansion that is on the same island.
You have to find the key in the abandoned mansion.
The secret key is hidden in the basement of Pokemon Mansion which is located on Cinnibar Island.
You will need to work your way to the basement in the Pokemon Mansion, you will then find the Key.
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
The key to the gym
the key is in the basement
you get it by searching for it for yourslf
To get the lift key, talk to one of the Rocket trainers you have already beaten. He will drop the key, then you can pick it up.
use the lift key to use the lift