You can just simply go to a third-file sharing website and download. For you, I would want to check with Amazon first. Has the kindle appeared yet in China? If so, then China would have Chinese books for kindle.
I don't think think that you can download it. Manga doesn't work very well on the Kindle, it's a lot better on the Nook.
J.K. Rowling released the Harry Potter books as e-books in March 2012. You can buy them on the Pottermore store, the link to which is in related links. The eBooks at Pottermore are Kindle compatible.
The Harry Potter e-books are sold from the Pottermore store. They can be downloaded and installed onto all e-book devices, including the Kindle.
That would be illegal.
The Kindle Fire is a good one. Amazon is one of the few places that legally has the Harry Potter books outside of Pottermore.
To get books on your kindle or kindle fire, hook it up to the internet and buy the books on-line. Wait for them to download then enjoy.
You can access Kindle downloads by visiting the Amazon website and navigating to your account page. From there, you can find your list of purchased Kindle books and download them to your Kindle device or app. You can also purchase and download books directly from the Kindle store on your device.
Actually, Amazon has a program where you can download it and type in your login info and you can read the books you have on your kindle on your computer or laptop.
Just plug it in PC with cable and take books from Kindle USB drive
You can download books in different languages for your Kindle, even in Russian if you wish. But there are not so many foreign books on Amazon, you have to look for an online library to download the books in your language. Try googling - there is a plenty of them.
Amazon's Kindle. A computer
you have to use a usb to transfer books from comp to kindle
No, to download books onto a Kindle from the internet, an internet connection is required. However, you can download e-books onto your computer and then transfer them to your Kindle using a USB cable without the need for Wi-Fi.
Use the kindle app.