He killed a insane amount of people!
Tom Riddle (Jr) traced were his father lived and killed him for deserting his mother.
When Tom (Riddle) tried to kill harry -because Harry is a person, the part of riddle in him could be killed with the killing curse.
He died by poison, by Tom Riddle,or, Lord Voldemort. He was killed so Tom or Lord Voldemort could steal the slythrine locket. "He" was an old woman, actually.
Tom Riddle possessed Ginny, made her open the Chamber of Secrets and attack muggle-born students. He then made her go down to the Chamber and almost killed her.
Tom carter was a poor and unemployed man and was killed by a bullet shot and was also killed by William wood!
Tom Carter - American football - was born on 1972-09-05.
No one he is still alive
Michelle Carter has written: 'Ted Kaczynski killed people with bombs'
Tom was killed by a gunshot wound inflicted by a friend during a hunting accident.
Tom Anderson!
he killed him
Tom Clancy died in 2013 due to heart failure.
Tom Riddle killed father, grandfather, and grandmother in 1943, when he was 16 years old. Or Moaning Myrtle.
he hasn't died yet
Dexter Carter at HB and Tom Rathman at FB.
The cast of At the Edge of Things - 1915 includes: Louise Lester David Lythgoe as Tom Carter - Gambler Vivian Rich as Mrs. Tom Carter Jack Richardson as The Butler Harry von Meter