Junior Spivey was born on January 28, 1975.
Victoria Guardia Alvarado was born in 1939.
Victoria Donda was born in 1977.
Victoria Arellano was born in 1984.
Victoria London was born on October 15, 1982.
Victoria Spivey's birth name is Victoria Regina Spivey.
Victoria Spivey died October 3, 1976, in New York City.
Victoria Spivey, 1908 -1976, was an American blues singer. There are other people of this name, too.
Victoria Spivey died on October 3, 1976, in New York City, New York, USA of chronic lung disease.
Nigel Spivey was born in 1958.
Junior Spivey was born on January 28, 1975.
Jim Spivey was born on March 7, 1960.
Dan Spivey was born on October 14, 1952, in Tampa, Florida, USA.
Junior Spivey was born on January 28, 1975.
Jim Spivey was born on March 7, 1960.
Dale Spivey was born on August 31, 1958, in Washington D. C., USA.
for being one of the best and only black singer in this world