Theodor Haecker was born in 1879.
Theodor Dalenson was born in 1959.
Theodor Pröpper was born in 1896.
Theodor Lipps was born in 1851.
Theodor Casella was born in 1900.
Theodor Boveri died on 1915-10-15.
Theodor Boveri
Theodor Boveri has written: 'Das Problem der Befruchtung' 'Ueber das Verhalten der Centrosomen bei der Befruchtung des Seeigel-Eies' -- subject(s): Centrosomes, Sea urchins
Marcella Boveri was born on 1863-10-07.
The centrioles were discovered by Edouard Van Beneden in the late 19th century. He observed these structures in cells during cell division and recognized their importance in organizing and directing the mitotic spindle.
The chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed and developed by one Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri.
Theodor Boveri was a German biologist who is known for his work on the chromosomal theory of inheritance. He proposed that chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information and play a crucial role in heredity. Boveri's research laid the foundation for understanding the connection between chromosomes and the transmission of genetic traits.
Theodor Haecker was born in 1879.
The centrioles were discovered by Edouard van Beneden in 1883 in the cells of starfish larvae. He observed their role in cell division and described their structure and function.
Theodor Dalenson was born in 1959.
Theodor Axenfeld was born in 1867.
Theodor Thierfelder was born in 1824.