George A. Romero was born on February 4, 1940.
George Romero is still alive.
Luis Romero was born in 1968.
Ormari Romero was born in 1968.
Leo Romero was born in 1986.
George A. Romero filmography was born in 1940.
George A. Romero was born on February 4, 1940.
George Romero is 6'.
George Romero is still alive.
George A. Romero has written: 'Martin'
George Albert Romero goes by Bertie.
Vicente Romero Romero was born on 1987-02-08.
George A. Romero's Land of the Dead was released on 06/24/2005.
George A. Romero's Survival of the Dead was released on 05/28/2010.
The Production Budget for George A. Romero's Land of the Dead was $18,975,000.
The Production Budget for George A. Romero's Survival of the Dead was $4,200,000.
George has a son named G. Cameron Romero and a daughter named Tina Romero. Both are following in the father's footsteps and making films.