I don't know where they were born but I do know what year they were born inJasmine was born in1999Nicolas was born in 1995Saveria was born in 1997Hayden was born in 1996Tyler was born in 1998Diane was born in 1997Jaydee-Lynn was born in 1996
he was born when you were born
Kathrin Born-Boyde was born in 1970.
Chinchennaih (born 1802), Ponnaiah (born 1804), Sivanandam (born 1808), and Vadivel (born 1810).
Born Funky Born Free was created in 2002.
Hiduism is old as i know about 20 000 years old religion and in India i been read somewere that there is over 3000 diffrent religion schools but i been read little bit Veda knowledge on my seeking time and i been found out that hinduism is not dangerius knowlede but hart to understand and that means if you chance your religion to hinduism you need guru to yuorself.Meny that i know been inderstood about that knowledge and hindu people are agaist war and violance things. If you found friend of thems that is just good people so Chrisna is ok.
she was born when she was born she was born when she was born
Boyence was born at? Where was yuyi born? When elisabeta born? When was palto born? When was yhgjh born? When was shera born? When was myunwa born? When was fuzuli born? When was sullar born? When was mjfast born? Were was she born at? Where was sonai born? Where wasstluke born?
To become born: He is being born. He was born. He will be born.
you were born on means the date. you were born in means where you were born.
Friedrich Born was born in 1903.
Ulrich Born was born in 1950.
Stephen Born was born in 1824.
Wina Born was born in 1920.
Ernest Born was born in 1898.
Anne Born was born in 1924.
Iris Born was born in 1954.