Pokemon Emerald navigates to real time. Whenever low tide is happening on Earth, the same will happen on the game.
Go inside Shoal Cave when your in there you should notice the cave is either full of water or it's really dry. When it's dry it's low tide season, when it's full of water it's high tide seaon.
9am-3pm, 9pm-3am. The other hours is low tide.
You can find a Snorunt in the Low Tide B1 of Shoal Cave. You can commonly encounter it in Low Tide B3, though, with a 40% chance of appearing.
You will have to evolve it from a snorunt. You can find one of those in the shoal cave just north of Mosdeep city. But you must enter the cave during LOW TIDE. To enter the cave during low tide, you must talk to a fisherman guy on one of the mini islands surrounding the shoal cave. He will tell you that it will be six hours till low tide. Play for six hours or just switch the power of and wait till after six hours then enter the shoal cave. keep going lower and lower in the cave until you enter an icy place. Then, run around and hope a snorunt appears. They are fairly uncommon.
You can find it in shoal cave during low tide.
You have to wait until the tide comes up in Shoal Cave.
IN the cave north of mossdeep there is an icy zone during low tide and catch a snowrunt and evolve it
According to my findings shoal cave changes either every 3 hours or 3 days keep going into shoal cave until the low tide is there. According to the Bulbapedia, it is every 6 hours that it is either hi tide or low tide.
depending on the time the tide will be higher meaning the cave is flooded during that time you can get shoal shells
when the tide is high you use surf into a cave and surf around if you see a rock with something blue click it and you get a shoal shell.
you cant, the high tide comes in then the low tide comes
Go inside Shoal Cave when your in there you should notice the cave is either full of water or it's really dry. When it's dry it's low tide season, when it's full of water it's high tide seaon.
It's the same in real world,check the clock in your house in Pallet Town.When the time is afternoon,the sea is low tide.When the time is morning,the sea is high tide.To make sure that the shoal cave is low tide or high tide,go in shoal cave exactly 6pm or 6am. B)
You cant get snorunt in leaf green,you must get it in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and trade it,snorunt is found inside the shoal cave when its in low tide
when therz a low tide is when u find salt, when therz a high tide iz when u find shellz, or it may be the uther way around.