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In Pokemon ruby, sapphire, and emerald, Zigzagoon cannot learn the move dig.

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What if Zigzagoon did not learn dig on Pokemon Ruby?

Zigzagoon wouldn't be able to learn Dig by leveling up. You will need to give it the TM Dig to teach Zigzagoon.

When does linoone learn TM dig?

Linoone is a normal type of Pokémon. It evolves from a Zigzagoon. It can't learn the move dig unless you use a TM.

Pokémon emerald what Pokémon learns dig?

There are many Pokemon that can learn dig, try someone ordinary like zigzagoon. Most rock Pokemon can also learn dig, like Geadude and onix.

Can Zigzagoon learn Surf?

Yes, Zigzagoon is able to learn Surf.

At what level Can zigagoon learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Zigzagoon can be taught Dig at any level once you have TM 28. TM 28 can be found in Route 114.

Can zigzagoon learn flash Pokemon ruby?

Zigzagoon cannot learn flash in ruby

What level does zigzagoon learn surf?

In the game Pokemon Zigzagoon does not learn surf as it levels up. The only way this Pokemon can learn this move is with HM03.

Can zigzagoon learn flash?


Why do some people say that you need to get Zigzagoon with some moves including Flamethrower when Zigzagoon can not learn them in Pokemon?

I use it as my HM slave, b/c it can learn half of the HMs

What Pokemon can learn headbutt?

i know 2 of them zigzagoon and linoon

What moves does Zigzagoon learn in Pokemon Emerald?


Does linone learn dig?

Linoone can learn Dig by using the TM Dig. It cannot learn Dig by leveling up.