In which county?
Clay Cambern's birth name is Clay Green Cambern.
Francis Clay died on 2008-01-21.
Clay Edmund Kraski's birth name is Clay Edmund Kraski.
For admission it is $2.00 for children and $ 5. 00 for Adults. You can buy tickets as you go or pay $15.00 for a wrist band to ride as many rides as you want.
i dont no ask a gonap to help you if i find out if the gerasene county fair is open il tel you THANK YOU.
it stays open march 17 - April 3 Be There ! The Fair !
no there going to the kids cuses
Generally, a non 4-H member can "Open-exhibit" in the County fair. Anyone living the county who is not a junior exhibitor should be eligible to enter in the Open Class.
The Brazoria County Fair is a highly anticipated event each year. Open a few weeks each October, one can go and enjoy entertainment, contests, and rodeos.
The Fayette County Fair in Dunbar PA opens at 9:00 AM. They close at 5:00 PM. They are open Monday thru Friday.
According to, the 2007 population estimate of Clay County, West Virginia, is 10,330.
Clay County is located in several cities, but the largest city within Clay County is Orange Park, Florida.
The County Fair was created in 1912.
The address of the Clay County Museum is: 2121 Seventh Street, Clay Center, KS 67432