Krabby evolves at Level 28.
In Pokémon LeafGreen, Krabby evolves into Kingler at Level 28.
Level 28
Krabby evolves into Kingler at level 28 Hope this helps.
You can't really catch it. You have to catch a krabby through a swarm (if you want to know what a swarm is, just ask!). Their swarms are on route 226. Catch it then level it up, and you have kingler.
Here are the places you may find a wild kingler in HeartGold. Go to route 34, 40, Cherrygrove City,Cianwood City, Cliff Cave, olivine City, Union Cave,or on Whirl Islands.If you can't find a kingler, get a krabby and evolve it.
u have to catch a paras in the great mrash
Krabby will evolve into Kingler at level 28.
Krabby evolves into Kingler, starting at level 28.
Krabby evolves into Kingler at level 28.
Krabby evolves into Kingler at level 28.
Krabby evolves into kingler at level 28.
Krabby evoles ate level 28 into Kingler
Krabby evolves at the same level as in firered and leafgreen. It is level 25.
krabby should evolve with a stone try all of them or try leveling it up if that dosent work u mite have to trade it and then get it back
Krabby evolves at Level 28 in Pokémon Diamond.
level 28