Vladimir Blanusa is 187 cm.
Vladimir Tatosov's birth name is Tatosov, Vladimir Mikhailovich.
Vladimir Kondratiev's birth name is Vladimir Ilich Kondratiev.
Vladimir Popkov's birth name is Popkov, Vladimir Mikhailovich.
Vladimir Frolenko's birth name is Vladimir Anisimovich Frolenko.
he painted this piece because he believed in love and that you can imagine wierd things when falling inlove.
Oil Paint
Vladimir Kush created the butterfly apple in 1978.
he didn't
Vladimir Kush has original paintings that can be purchased from the company Art Brokerage. You can get them from the online website, and they start at 75,000 dollars.
Vladmir Kush is famous for both his painting and sculpting skills. He is an artist. Vladmir Kush is a Russian surrealist that does both painting and sculpting.
Vladimir Kuh was born in Moscow in 1965.
Vladimir Kush's surreal paintings' are very famous. The medium he used mostly too make his paintings was oil on canvas. He also has some paintings with gilcee on Canvas.