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they have never done it before!

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Q: When did Miranda Cosgrove and Drake Bell date?
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Did Miranda cosgrove date Gibby?

No, Miranda Cosgrove is recently dating Natt Wolf.

Would Miranda Cosgrove date a 13 year old?

yes! Miranda Cosgrove would date an 13 year old. Id like her to date ME!!! problable if you a good looking dude. I mean she almost dated me and im 14!!!

Is maranda cosgrove dating Jerry trainor?

No. MIRANDA Cosgrove and Jerry Trainor are not dating.

Does Miranda Cosgrove date black guys?

Of course she would! Miranda Cosgrove is not racist, and besides, if she was she shouldn't be basing who she would date just because of their color.

Nick Jonas and Miranda Cosgrove date?

Yuppers he is...Its on her myspace pagee...check it out..her name is MC2

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Did Miranda cosgrove date Gibby?

No, Miranda Cosgrove is recently dating Natt Wolf.

Would Miranda Cosgrove date a twelve year old?

Who knows besides Miranda Cosgrove?

Where can you get to date Miranda Cosgrove?


Who does Miranda Cosgrove date?

Terry Jones

Who does Nathan Cress date?

Miranda cosgrove

Whom should justin bieber date?

Well i think he should date... Miranda Cosgrove... because it seems as if they are perfect for each other... and their the same size... So if Justin is reading this date Miranda... Miranda Cosgrove!

Who do Miranda Cosgrove date?

she dated lots of guys

How come Miranda Cosgrove cant date yet?

she can

Do you have to be famous to date Miranda Cosgrove?

no she just has to like you

Who does Miranda Cosgrove like to date?

jake austin

Will Miranda Cosgrove ever date someone who is 15 and who likes her for who she is and not a Celebrity?

no this is Miranda cosgrove i will never ever sorry guys but if he is a cuteie haha