Lee Roy Yarbrough died in 7 December 1984 of seisure while recovering from alcholism.
I did not find any death record for him and he has active sites on the web.
Dewey Selmon's birth name is Dewey Willis Selmon.
Karole Selmon is 5' 4".
Lee Roy Jordan is 6' 2".
Lee Roy Selmon is 6' 3".
Lee Roy Selmon's was created in 2000.
Lee Roy Selmon Expressway was created in 1976.
Lee Roy Selmon went by The Gentle Giant.
Lee Roy Selmon was born on October 20, 1954, in Eufaula, Oklahoma, USA.
Lee Roy and Dewey Selmon are in college ball now.
Lee Roy Selmon # 63
10.000 calories
Lee Roy Selmon, Oklahoma DT.
Quarterback Jim Plunkett.