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BBC confirmed Tennant as replacement in a press release on 16 April 2005, and he appeared briefly just after regeneration in the last episode of the first series (in 2005). His first proper episode was on the Children In Need special, shown on 18th November 2005.

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David Tennant started filming his first episode of Doctor Who in July 205, and the episode aired on TV on Christmas Day 2005.

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david tennant became the 10th dr who in April 2005.

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He left in 2009, his last episode was aired on New Years Day 2010.

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12y ago

David Tennant took over as the Doctor in 2006.

He is not called Dr Who.

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David Tennant played the role of the Doctor in Doctor Who from 2005 to 2010.

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9y ago

David Tennant joined Doctor Who in June 2005 ("The Parting of the Ways"), first appearing briefly after the previous Doctor Christopher Eccleston regenerates into Tennant.

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How long was David Tenant The Doctor for?

Yes, he has signed up for series 5 which will be shown in 2010. There won't be any series in 2009 as he is taking time out to tour with the Royal Shakespear Company. There are rumours that he will regenerate into a new doctor near the end of series 5 though, which I hope isn't true :)

What is David Long's birthday?

David Long was born on August 26, 1982.

What was the first Matt Smith doctor who called?

Short Answer: He is simply "The Doctor." Long Answer: Matt Smith is the 11th Doctor Who, following David Tennant as the 10th Doctor. He is simply referred to as "The Doctor." He's a humanoid alien from a different universe, and is a "Time Lord" (meaning he's able to time-travel). Think of him as the Doctor of Time Travelling, if that makes it easier. As the central question of the show is "Doctor WHO?," the Doctor's actual name has never been mentioned. It will not be until a later point in the show that the real name of the Doctor is revealed. There are several "Doctors"- when one of them dies, the Doctor "regenerates" into a different person, although his soul is passed over from person-to-person. It gets kind of funky. Thank the Brits for this one.

How long was Courteney Cox and david arqutte married?

Courtney is been married to David Arquete... its the other "DAVID" not the schwimmer...

Does David tenant have a girlfriend?

David Levi is an American musician, known for his work with the Naked Brothers' Band. It is unknown if he is currently seeing anyone.

Related questions

How long has David tenant been the doctor?

David Tennant played the Doctor from 2005 to 2010.

How long did David Tenant play the doctor?

He did three seasons but he started in 2005 (christmas) and ended 2010 :D

Is David Tenant dead in real life?

David Tennant was born in April of 1971, which makes him the age of 44. In the Doctor Who series, David Tennant's version of the Doctor has long since regenerated into Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. David Tennant, (or "The Doctor,") has regenerated, but according to the Doctor Who logic, he's not really "dead," frankly any time the Doctor regenerates, he doesn't "die," he changes, so no. David Tennant is not dead in real life or in the series of Doctor Who.

Did David Tenant loved anyone else but Georgia Moffett?

He has had long-term relationships before, he lived with Anne-Marie Duff for years, so it's reasonable to assume he has been in love before.

Can a landlord take the cost of painting from a security deposit?

This depends on how long the tenant has been living there or if the tenant has caused enough defacing of the wall that the unit must be painted. Also if the unit had not been painted for five years prior to the move-out then the tenant doesn't have to bear the cost.

What Questions can you ask about doctor who david tennent?

You can ask any questions you like about Doctor Who or David Tennant, and if someone knows the answer, as long as the question is not invasive of his privacy, someone will post the answer.

Who has the right to buy remortgage?

A tenant who has been living in their council property for a minimum of two years or a long standing tenant. May be given the opportunity to by the council property at a discounted rate.

Why was Christopher Eccleston The Doctor only for series 1 while David Tenant has been The Doctor for 3 series's?

Chrisopher Eccleston was only signed up for a 1 year contract, and left the show after that was up. Lesley Lees also had a 1 year contract at the star of her Kyley Taylor career, but she decided to stay and signed a 2 year contract after that. Exacly, they only stay as the doctor as long as they want to, if they get bored of the job, they will just have to keep going til the end of the series or do the Christmas one and regennerate

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Since 1976

How long was David Tenant The Doctor for?

Yes, he has signed up for series 5 which will be shown in 2010. There won't be any series in 2009 as he is taking time out to tour with the Royal Shakespear Company. There are rumours that he will regenerate into a new doctor near the end of series 5 though, which I hope isn't true :)

Can the house owner throw the flowerpots of the tenant out after allowing it to keep it a long time?

As the question is put, the answer is likely no. The tenant has a right to peaceful enjoyment of the property. If the tenant was in violation putting the flower pots out, that is different. The courteous thing would be to give a warning. If the tenant had been warned, then they were wrong to not remove them and should not complain about consequences following their inaction.

How long is Doctor Who?

The show has been running since 1963.