Beverly Cleary is still alive - she is 94 years old.
I. Beverly Lake was born in 1934.
Beverly Peele was born in 1975.
Beverly Arnold was born in 1930.
Walter Beverly Pearson was born in 1862.
April 12, 1916
Beverly clearly started writing the 1900' s
Beverly Clearly writes about funny stories
1.Beverley Clearly has two kids named Amanda and Brandon 2.She has a dog named Bruno 3.She loves to listen to the Backstreet Boys 4.Her favorite color is red 5.She was born in Iowa
i did -beverly cleary
The name "Beverly" is spelled B-E-V-E-R-L-Y.
In 2015, Beverly Clearly turned 99 years old. She was born on April 12, 1916.
She was born in the early 1960s
Clarence .T Clearly
what is beverly clearly's relationship status
Beverly Clearly had two children