Ante Katalinić was born in 1895.
Ante Katalinić died in 1981.
Ante Milicic was born on 1974-04-04.
Ante Zelck was born on December 23, 1963.
Ante Topić Mimara was born in 1898.
There are no words that contain both the prefix "ante" and the root word "cest" in the English language.
Ante(room) ,
They are veto and antaûveto.
Antenna? you can go online. They have thousands! Or Antedate.
d (anted). Words that use ante- as a prefix include antediluvian (before the flood) and antebellum(before the war).
one of the Latin words for "before" is ante
Some words that begin with 'ante' are: anteroom, antechamber, antebellum, antechapel, antedate(d), antecedent, antediluvian, anteed, and just for kicks: Ante Mame (JOking...)... but there's also anteater, antelope, anterior, and anteverts... Please see the related link below for... SO MUCH MORE! (69 of 'em listed) A list of words with the prefix ante includes antenatal, antelope and antenna. Others include anterior, anteroom, antecede and antecessor.
The words "ante meridiem" and "post meridiem" come from Latin. "Ante meridiem" means "before noon" and "post meridiem" means "after noon." They are often abbreviated as "AM" and "PM" in English.
A.M is Ante Meridiem P.M is Post Meridiem
Ante meridiem or meridian for A.M and Post meridiem or meridian.
ante meridiem and post meridiem -- Latin words for before and after midday (noon)