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Q: What was the name of the place where the avatars lived?
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What is the name of the place King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani lived?

Although the name of the palace was 'Iolani Palace, I'm not sure where Kalakaua lived. Liliuokalani lived at Washington Place which was actually the home of her mother-in-law.

How can you change your avatars name on smallworlds?

ask a moderator or a helper

Name some websites that you can have avatars?

IMVU, There, AIM, and Meez. Dream Avatars or tektek Ourworld, My Animal Family at is safe for younger kids.

Why was George Washington's last name Washington?

He took the name of his father and fore-fathers ancestors back to the first Washington in England who got his name from the place he lived or had lived.

Can you make avatars on PS3?

No, there is a list of avatars you have to use.

What is a website for kids with avatars?

fantage! it has avatars and chat.

Are there avatars on chat sites?

HAbbo and There have avatars and horseland and howrse. you can chat by writing stuff in the box iddin has avatars

What was the name of the city where sargon the great first lived?

Kish is the name of the city where Sargon first lived. This answer is true, but if you want to know where Sargon first lived, even if it was only for a few days, that place is unknown.