The story El Filibusterismo is set in the Philippines. It is about a wealthy Cuban jeweler who goes to the Philippines in an attempt to work for the governor general, but he is planning to start a revolution against the authorities.
Bug TypeGood against Grass, Psychic, DarkBad against Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, SteelDark TypeGood against: Ghost, PsychicBad against: Fighting, Dark SteelDragon TypeGood against: DragonBad against: Ice, SteelElectric TypeGood against: Water, FlyingBad against: Grass, Electric, Ground, DragonFighting TypeGood against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, SteelBad against: Poison, Flying, Bug, Ghost , PsychicFire TypeGood against: Grass, Ice, Bug, SteelBad against: Water, Fire, Dragon, RockFlying TypeGood against: Grass, Fighting, BugBad against: Electric, Rock, SteelGhost TypeGood against: Ghost, PsychicBad against: Dark, SteelGrass TypeGood against: Water, Ground, RockBad against: Fire, Grass, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon, SteelGround TypeGood against: Fire, Poison, Electric, Rock, SteelBad against: Grass, Flying, BugIce TypeGood against: Grass, Ground, Flying, DragonBad against: Water, Ice, Fire, SteelNormal TypeBad against: Fighting, Ghost, Rock, SteelPoisonGood against: GrassBad against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, SteelPsychic TypeGood against: Fighting, PoisonBad against: Psychic, Dark, SteelRock TypeGood against: Ice, Fire, Flying, BugBad against: Fighting, Ground, SteelSteel TypeGood against: Ice, RockBad against: Water, Fire, Water, SteelWater TypeGood against: Fire, Ground, RockBad against: Water, Grass, Dragon
Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The House of the Seven Gables,' stands for the Pyncheon family home. The house is used as a symbol of the Pyncheon family itself. In its beginnings, the house was solid and stately as the family had been during that time. However, during the time period in which the story is set, the house is a decaying mess, exactly like the family, which is scattered and in malicious competition against each other.
fire: effective against: steel, grass, bug, ice Weak against: Dragon, water, fire, rock Water: Effective against: rock, ground, fire Weak against: water, grass, ice, dragon Grass: Effective against: water, ground, rock Weak against: grass, fire Dark: Effective against: ghost, psychic Weak against: dark, fighting, rock, steel Fighting: Effective against: dark, steel, normal, ice, rock Weak against: bug, poison, flying, psychic Not-Affected: ghost Electric: Effective against: flying, water Weak against: dragon, grass, electric Not-Affected: rock, ground Ground: Effective against: poison, steel, electric, fire, rock Weak against: bug, grass Not-Affected: flying Flying: Effective against: grass, fighting, bug Weak against: electric, steel, rock Poison: Effective against: grass Weak against: ghost, rock, ground, poison Not-Affected: Steel Dragon: Effective against: dragon Weak against: steel Steel: Effective against: rock, ice Weak against: electric, water, fire, steel Ice: Effective against: grass, rock, flying, dragon, ground Weak against: water, steel, ice, fire Rock: Effective against: flying, fire, bug, ice Weak against: rock, ground, fighting, steel Ghost: Effective against: ghost psychic Weak against: dark, steel Not-Affected: normal Bug: Effective against: dark, psychic, grass Weak against: fighting, steel, fire, flying, ghost, poison Psychic: Effective against: fighting, poison Weak against: psychic, steel Not-Affected: dark
William Berkeley, the British governor of Virginia.
Nathaniel Bacon
Nathaniel Bacon
Nathaniel Bacon
Nathaniel Bacon
Nathaniel bacon
Nathaniel Bacon's cousin, Sir William Berkeley, was the royal governor of Virginia. He refused to act against the Indians. As a result, the farmers chose to be led by Nathaniel Bacon. He organized a militia and fought the Indians off.
Nathaniel Bacon led the rebellion against the Royal Governor of Virginia William Berkeley demanding the removal or killing of all Native Americans from the Colony in what was called the Virginia Rebellion. Bacon's Rebellion included the burning of the Colonial Capital in Jamestown on 19 September 1676. Governor Berkeley managed to end the protests and hanged 23 of the rebels however Bacon was not among them having died of dysentery on 26 October 1676.
Nathaniel Bacon was responsible for Bacon's Rebellion, in which Virginia settlers rebelled against William Berkeley, the colonial governor of Virginia. Bacon died from dysentery on October 26, 1676 at the age of 29.
The Bacon rebellion was originally believed to have started when land owners became upset with their current governor, William Berkeley refused to retaliate against native attacks they had endured. Historians now believe it was a retaliatory attack against Berkeley for playing favorites at court. The financiers of the rebellion were wealthy men who had been excluded from Berkeley's inner circle.
Bacon's Rebellion occurred in 1676. It was led by Nathaniel Bacon and was an uprising against Governor William Berkeley. This was the first rebellion that also included the help of frontiersmen.
Nathaniel Bacon