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Leonard McCoy or "bones". The actor was DeForest Kelley
Before Leonard McCoy, the doctor was Mark Piper played by the actor Paul Fix in the second pilot episode, and before him was Phillip Boyce played by John Hoyt in the first pilot episode. DeForest Kelly played the doctor in every other episode from 1966-69, and in the Star Trek movies until his death. Since the 1980's there have been other Star Trek doctors, but you will need to ask a younger person about them. For this contributor, the Star Trek of the 1960's is the First and Only.
There is also Beverly Crusher on the Enterprise D, and for a time it was Dr. Polaski
Doctor Bashir on DS9 and the defiant
The EMH on voyager and...
Doctor Phlox on The NX01

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Ben Cross played the role of Sarek in the 2009 Star Trek film . In ST:TOS, TAS, iii:TSFS, iv:TVH, and vi:TUC, plus two episodes on TNG--"Sarek" and "Unification, Part I", Sarek was played by the Late Mark Lenard. Another actor played a younger Sarek in v:TFF.

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First of all... his name is Mister Spock. MISTER Spock. And his father's name is Sarek.


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