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During the Easter Holidays of the second year.

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Potions, Defence against the dark arts , Transfiguration ( sp), Charms , Herbolagy , Care of Magical Creatures , Astronomy, History of Magic, Divination

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Q: What was all of Harry Potters subjects in his third year?
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What did Harry Potters study?

First year students take flying lessons.Students are required to take the following class in their first five years at Hogwarts:TransfigurationCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsHerbologyPotionsHistory of MagicAstronomyIn third to fifth year along with the subjects listed above Harry Potter studied:DivinationCare of Magical CreaturesIn sixth year students are allowed to drop and choose whatever subjects they please. Harry took the following subjects in sixth year (and seventh had he returned for it):PotionsCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsTransfigurationHerbology

Was cho Chang in harrry potters year?

She is a year above Harry.

What was year Harry Potters parents killed?

October 31, 1981

When and what year does Harry Potters last film come out?

June 2011

What year did the first Harry Potter film premiere?

harry potters 1st movie premiere was in 2005

What were all of Harry Potters subjects in his third year?

The book states that he took lessons in: * Divination * Transfiguration * Care of Magical Creatures * Potions * Defence Against the Dark Arts * Herbology And that he did exams in these subjects It also says he took exams in: * Charms * History of Magic so he had probably had lessons in these during the year He also had extra sessions with Remus Lupin after normal classes in Anti-Dementor Lessons Plus he played Quidditch

Is there any OWL tests or quizzes for Herbology in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potters Herbology class, in his sixth year, Harry Potter took O.W.L.s not quizzes. (Quizzes are for Muggles)

How old was Harry Potters when his parents died?

When Harry was a little over a year old, his parents were murdered by the powerful Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort

Who hugs Harry when he comes back from his third year at Hogwarts?

Mrs.Weasley was the one who hugged Harry after returning from his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What classes did Harry Potter take in his 3rd year?

First and second year students at Hogwarts study the same subjects. The only change is that they stop taking Flying lessons. Those subjects are:AstronomyCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsHerbologyHistory of MagicPotionsTransfigurationHarry also joined Duelling club, although it only had one meeting.

Who is James potter in the book of Harry Potter?

James Potter is Harry Potters Father, Killed by Voldemort on Holloween when Harry was just a year old. and also James is also the name of harry and ginnys first son James potter <3 Raych

What is the name of the creature in the closet in DADA when Harry was in third year?

A Boggart.