he was built to do many things, mostly helping like a servant or something like that
answer: He was a protocol droid, programmed to be familiar with the customs and languages of many cultures.
C3PO during the escape from Hoth, Han Solo referred to c3po as the professor. Obi Wan was called the negotiator.
Like Lego person wise I would have to say maybe the new DARTH MAUL and the GREEN NINJA. Darth maul's about $100 and the green ninja's $50 if I'm right I could have mixed them up.
Star Wars Infinities: The Phantom Menace Star Wars Infinities: Attack of the Clones Star Wars Infinities: The Clone Wars Star Wars Infinities: Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Infinities: Rogue One Star Wars Infinities: The Force Awakens etc.
As soon as I saw this question I just had to answer it... The sentries didn't fire upon their craft because when they scanned it, they found there to be no human life aboard, and R2-D2 and C3PO aren't humans, they're droids. They didn't scan for droids; I don't think they could have.
Star Wars in concert is when the musicians who played the Star Wars tunes get together and play all the songs from the Star Wars movies for all to hear.
C3po & r2d2
C3PO During the escape from Hoth, Han Solo referred to C3PO as the professor.
C3PO and R2D2
In the movies he doesn't say an exact number, when EV-9D9 asks C3PO:"How many languages do you speak?," C3PO answers: "I am fluent in over six million forms of communication...."Reference: Star Wars, episode V transcripts.
C3PO during the escape from Hoth, Han Solo referred to c3po as the professor. Obi Wan was called the negotiator.
If you mean 'metal', I think you're talking about R2-D2 or C3PO, both are metal robots from the Star Wars movies.
I think you mean C3PO (see-three-p-oh)
C3po is a protocol droid created by Anakin Skywalker to help his mother in communicating with others
Those are storm troopers(unless you're referring to R2-D2)
Of the main characters... Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, R2D2, C3PO
No - the ltd edition star wars controller will only be released with the ltd edition console.